Saturday, June 16, 2012

Avocado Sandwiches

My friend Lorraine got me hooked on these sandwiches years ago. They are perfect for a warm summer afternoon and, in my opinion, best eaten outdoors. If you want to go for gold, top them off with a nice bunch of arugula or spicy watercress. Delicious!

serves 2

1 gorgeously ripe avocado
goat cheese
loaf of your favorite crusty bread (we like Acme's walnut levain)
citrus vinaigrette
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Toast up a couple of thick slices of bread. While toast is still warm, spread on a layer of goat cheese, top with avocado slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle a generous amount of citrus vinaigrette on top. Add a handful of arugula or watercress, if desired. Enjoy immediately.

Tip: if you're doing a lot of these - toast the bread using your oven's broiler, set to high. Place sliced bread on a cookie sheet and be sure to turn often, watching carefully so they don't burn.

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