Monday, October 8, 2012

B is for Birthday and for Bear

It was my birthday on Saturday and I have to say, it was spectacular. I got to spend time with family on Friday, catching up with dear cousins who live far away. Saturday morning I got to cheer my niece Bella on at her soccer game and then - best for last - we also brought Bear (now Otis) home for good.

Our list of requirements for a rescue dog was long - must be good with people, must be good with kids, must even be good with cats... and so on. We said no to many, and some said no to us. But when we met Bear and he climbed up onto the couch resting his head in my lap, we knew we had a keeper. 

We owe HUGE thanks to the many wonderful folks at Golden Gate Lab Rescue, and to Bear's "Grandma" who patiently waited for us until October. We are ridiculously delighted to welcome this four-legged into our family. Stay tuned and watch the "Otis" category for updates.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Welcome Bear! Can't wait to met him.