Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Words to live by

Sea Ranch at sunset

The year is flying by and I can't believe it's already mid-February! Chinese new year was just this past Sunday and B heard on the radio that the Year of the Water Snake is supposed to be a time for transformation and rebirth. I liked that sentiment a lot and thought it was the perfect time to thank everyone for sharing your words for 2013. I'm always surprised and delighted by the various themes that emerge and this year is no exception. 

There were some wonderful ideas bouncing around this year - so in the spirit of sharing, here are some of your intentions for 2013. If I missed you - please feel free to post a comment or email me. It's never to late to pick a word!

Connect both to connect and reconnect with people as well as "connect the dots" in the areas of my life. 

My word is going to be Cross-train as in cross-train in everything I do so I am more rounded and involved in a variety of things. This will include exercise (I'm adding pilates to the mix of running and swimming), as well as my personal life.

Spunk as in courage or spirit

Got some big decisions facing me this year. I think I'm going for Dare.

Engage...as in stop multi-tasking, be in the moment and pursue things with passion instead of going through the motions.

This is my year to Soar! My visual for this is a macaroon with wings!!

I think mine will be Run. As in “run my life”, “go for a run”, etc.

For this year I'm going with Shipshape and Crackerjack, looking to focus on using my time better and being less of a dawdler.

My word of the moment (and longer) is 'Containment'. Learning skilfully to find the balance between over-doing it and under-doing it appears to be a life's work. 

I'll post the word Balance. Because that is what I Must do for 2013. Balance work and life. Balance exercise and meditation (which I never have done but plan on trying 10 min each day).

I think mine is Connect both to connect and reconnect with people as well as "connect the dots" in the areas of my life. 

I am going with "Health". 

Appreciate. Stop taking so many things in this world for granted. Step back and take the time to appreciate everything.

My word is 'Fun' - which we have decided we need a lot more of in our lives… the last year has been so tough and a really hard grind and we seem to have lost our 'joie de vie'. It is our mission this year to get it back… so we're going to do some crazy shit, go paint balling, go zorbing, camping, get a dog and try to have more fun…

This year is all about Focus for me. Whether that's spending time with the kids, getting my finances in order, solving a challenge at work, making time for [my wife] & I, striving to run a half marathon or anything else that comes up throughout the year, I just need to live in the moment and block out the other distractions. 

Other words:

be alive
small wins


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