Saturday, June 23, 2012

Plum and Strawberry Jam with Rosemary

"Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken." 
- Oscar Wilde

This week I started a new job. There aren't that many times as an adult when you have to learn something new or  meet all kinds of new people and learn all kinds of new things all at once. So I thought I'd ease into it by doing a little jam making on Monday night. What could be better than handing out a little bit of fruity fabulousness to new friends?

The recipe from Blue Chair Fruit called for Santa Rosa plums - which are my all time favorite - but they didn't have any at the farmer's market, so I substituted a combination of Black Splendor and wild plums. The rosemary came from our garden and it was the perfect compliment to the fruit. So easy, and so delicious!

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