Monday, July 9, 2012

Stretching a new muscle

"Use it or lose it!" is a phrase I've been thinking about a lot lately. Beyond the usual ideas about health and fitness this saying conjures up, I think about it in terms of my whole life. Trying new things, learning new skills, encouraging the tiniest seeds of an idea are so important and so easy to forget when we're in our usual routines. 

That's why I'm so proud of Pepo. He's been nurturing his creative self slowly and steadily for awhile now - dabbling in acrylics, oil painting and even water colors. Personally, I think he's ridiculously talented but I'm just a little biased since I'm in love with him. His typical comfort zone is small and detailed, but last night he branched out and went big! The inspiration came from a photo he took when we were in Baja earlier this year. This is just the underpainting - but already I can see where he's heading and I love it!

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