Friday, November 29, 2013

Mike's famous post-Thanksgiving Sandwich

The Mid-West contingent was out to visit earlier this month so we decided to roast up a turkey and celebrate Thanksgiving a little early. My brother-in-law Mike was pretty excited to make up sandwiches the next day, waxing on about his special combo of cranberry sauce and avocado. I'll admit I was skeptical about the avo/cran combo, but this sandwich is a total winner. It's so simple- just bread, cranberry sauce, turkey, avocado, salt/pepper and mayo. Done! and delicious!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Borgo's Apple Pie

Being that this is a day of giving thanks, I thought I should send a proper shout out to our dear friend Borgo for continuing to amaze us with his culinary talents. I always knew the man could cook, but baking too?! Is this crust crimped to perfection, or what? Bravo! Borgo! And Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rosy Applesauce

Wow. Homemade applesauce. It's so easy - once you make it you'll ask yourself why you haven't been making it your whole life. And the flavor!!! We had another bumper crop of Braeburns this year so I decided to give applesauce a whirl. What could be more simple than apples, water, and a little lemon juice, cooked down and put through a foodmill? That's it. Oh - I also added a teeny bit of cinnamon. The apples were so sweet I didn't even need to add sugar. Double bonus - the beautiful rosy tint comes from leaving the skins on. Who knew? And less work to boot.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Percolating on Words for 2014!

Alright peeps! It's time. A couple of you have already been thinking about your word for 2014 and I just love how this tradition has caught on. I've got a couple of potential themes swirling in my head, but still have a ways to go on honing in on "the word". 

For those of you new to this idea - here's a bit of history.

My word this year was juicy and it's definitely been a juicy year - just not exactly in the way I had thought it would be. Note to self: be careful what you wish for! In case you're looking for a little inspiration, check out some of my favorites from earlier this year. As always, please feel free to comment, email me your thoughts and share with friends.