Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy anniversary Otis!

It's hard to believe that we adopted Otis a year ago today. I still remember meeting him for the first time - after the excitement of greeting us was over, he hopped right up onto the couch between us and put his head in my lap. That was pretty much it for us.

Still, we asked a lot of questions and wanted to be sure he'd be the right fit. I don't think we could have found a better match! Mostly - he's a huge hunk of love - which was definitely on our list of criteria because let's face it, snuggling is important. We're forever grateful to our friend and trainer Sandra who helped guide us in looking for other important clues about his temperament.

Each day he seems to get softer and sweeter and more wonderful as he's settled into our family. We are also ever so thankful to his "grandma" Evie and to GGLR for helping us make this wonderful connection. 

Here's to many sweet years ahead! Woof!

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