Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Dragon and the Princess

It's hard having four nieces that live plane rides away, and in two different parts of the country. You miss a lot and you wish you could be there to celebrate all the small things. One of the things we're always talking about is how to engage them as they grow up. Sure, there are phone calls and birthdays and Christmas gifties. Skype is a wonderful thing. Recently our 7-year old niece Bella showed us her first loose tooth - moving her mouth right up to the camera and wiggling it for us. It was priceless.
But how do you keep the connection going?
Uncle B came up with a fun idea recently - he asked Bella if she would start a picture and mail it to us so he could add to it and send it back to her. The response was tepid - but cautiously optimistic. To seal the deal - he added,  "Come on. It will be fun!"  We were skeptical about getting traction on the idea - but a few days later, a drawing arrived: a simple boat on an ocean. Uncle B added a couple of new characters...


It was just too cute!
And then - I got an idea. Why stop at a drawing? Why not write a book together? So - I grabbed a few more pages, tied it together with ribbon and sent it off with a note asking for a title page and the next scene.
I have to admit - sometimes Auntie Mary has a good idea!
Here's what we got back:



I love that she included a close up scene of the castle interior....


And we love how she's continued the story....


Where will it go from here? You'll have to stay tuned. Uncle B is working on the next page right now. 

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