Sunday, April 15, 2012

Getting my glow on

My word for the year is "glow" and if I were being honest, I'd have to admit that it hasn't been working for me this year. Not so much. Sure - I had all these lofty aspirations at the beginning of the year. I waxed on about the deep meaning my word had for me - how inspired I was to do everything I could to be healthy in mind, body, spirit. But I'm having a hard time hitting my stride.

I shared this with my friend Stephanie recently and we decided to make a pact. I'd work out if she'd work out and we'd report our progress to each other (including high fives and bragging rights galore). Though I didn't exactly do very well this week, something did change. I was excited to report my progress and I'm actually looking forward to waking up tomorrow to get a run in before work. 
Then I noticed our refrigerator. This weekend, I was staring at these pages that I've had plastered there since January, when my meat loving husband decided we should go vegetarian for the month as a New  Year's challenge. I remembered how surprised we were at how little pain and suffering we encountered on the adventure (ok - there was a breakdown that resulted in a roast chicken - it was delicious!). Anyway, I wrote up a list of recipe options - things we knew how to make that were vegetarian. Again - it inspired us.

So my conclusion is this: I may not think I'm doing very well, but it's all how you look at it and I really appreciate knowing that my friends are in the same boat and we're all trying to do something about it. Thanks Stephanie!

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