Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kylie's quilt


Those of you who know B and I know that we're creative birds. In the last year - B has rediscovered his love of painting and drawing as you know...and now he's embraced a new role: color consultant. Most of the time I greet this with enthusiasm. True, I did endure some eye rolling when I came back from the fabric store with questionable selections.  But he really helped me narrow my choices for Jacey's quilt. I was held back from introducing colors like green and  yellow. It helped. 

Then - this morning - after I asked him to pick out his favorite squares for Kylie's quilt, I came back to find only about 5 out of 60 or so squares had made the cut. Sigh. To break the impasse, I came up with the brilliant idea of laying them all out on a white background and ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Somehow - they all seem to work. Just 10 more squares to go!

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