Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meyer Love

One of the most wonderful things about living near Berkeley is that we are completely spoiled by being in the epicenter of foodie heaven. Here - we don't mark the seasons by weather so much as by food. And right now - it's Meyer lemon season. We are lucky enough to have a tree - and my latest obsession is figuring out what to do with all the fruit

There has been an explosion of artisinal jam making folks around here lately. On Friday I took a class with Dafna Kory of Inna Jam. First of all - how perfect is the name? We made a sweet "jam" that she compares to lemon curd as well as savory preserved lemons. She's crazy for maintaining the freshness of the fruit by minimal exposure to heat. I learned a ton and preserved lemons are a snap - just chop, throw in the jar, add salt, cover with lemon juice and voila! Done. Now I  just have to remember to rotate my jar of "pickles" for a month to get that fermentation going. 

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