Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's the little things

It's funny. Our house is filled with things that are dear to me - yet - over time, I walk right by them without noticing.

Each morning I pass by these little gems sitting patiently on the bookshelf. The penguins, though perfect for Valentine's day, are actually a hand-painted Christmas card that B made for me. Nestled beside them are little "rocks" created by my friend Rae Dunn as party favors for a wedding that I planned. My friend Viola had asked guests to share words that were meaningful to them prior to the wedding. I chose two spanish endearments that I've always loved: "mi vida" (my life) and "tesoro mio" (my treasure). After all these many years together, we hardly ever call each other by name. It's always B or Pepo or Ambianzo, but never Brandon. Our friends have often scratched their heads when they learn I'm frequently called Chuck and sometimes "mi vida".

It's these little things that make my heart sing on this Valentine's day. May yours be sweet.

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