Sunday, April 15, 2012


Sometimes I get inspired by things that I've had for years, even if they've been sitting there, right in front of me, collecting dust. So it is with my new love, embroidery.

Several Christmases ago I asked Santa for a very particular Martha Stewart embroidery kit. Being that it was a Martha operation- you can be assured that it was beautifully packaged, had just the right thread color choices and also came with a booklet of instructions that even the most dedicated crafting fool would find impossible to tackle.

When I first got it, I took a stab at a making a "stitch sampler" and tried to learn a few things... but then, sigh, it was packed away and placed on a shelf.

Fast forward several years (ok - maybe 5 but who's counting?)...I remembered the kit  when working on a quilt for my niece Jacey, and decided to embroider a little love note for the back of it. It was a snap to make and super cute!

Then I remembered that I had this fabric laying around- a very nice natural colored linen from a pair of curtains I had bought at IKEA and never used. And the spark was ignited. NAPKINS! First I thought it would be fun to test out one of the decorative stitches my sewing machine can produce and I did this:


Pretty, no? But oh so much cuter now with the lanterns. I have so much fabric, I think I could make at least a dozen of these - and that's just one curtain. Hmmmm.... I'm sensing a crafty, gifty Christmas idea coming on. To my friends and family - don't say you haven't been warned!

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