Monday, April 23, 2012

The wonders of fresh air


This is why I heart the Bay Area: in just a short drive you can find yourself away from everything, and surrounded by nature. To me - there's no better way to shed the work day than a run through Tilden's cedar and eucalyptus groves, inhaling their subtle perfume and taking in sweeping views of the Golden Gate Bridge and bay. You are always guaranteed several animal sightings and the expansive space is magically refreshing. Today I spotted several bunnies, a couple of deer - and off in the distance, as I hoped, there were my friends the cows.

The cows pictured here are not from this afternoon's trail  - but I was reminded of them this afternoon. These guys are from one of my other all-time favorite trails - Abbotts Lagoon in Point Reyes.  It's a gem of a trail - including dunes, grasses, cows, a fresh water lagoon and then - voila! - the Pacific. All in less than 3 miles.

Really - could these guys have a better life? 

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