Monday, April 23, 2012

Farewell dear friend

Max 2 - 25 nov 05 (sm)
Slim   May 1992 - June 2011

 We have heavy hearts today after the departure of our beloved Slim who joins his brother today in the Land of the Big Tuna. He was a vibrant, loving and amazing member of our family for 19 years - known variously and affectionately as Slim, Slim Pickins, Skinny Bones, Mr. Pickins, Hound Dog, il Feroce and sometimes, in the very early days, by his "real" name Max.

Having adopted him just after moving to San Francisco - his age has always marked the many years we've lived in the Bay Area. I've waxed on about the many things we loved about him. Above all was his tender heart. He was an incredibly loving soul - and won over many with his "look of longing."

My sister Lisa wrote this tribute last night:

Your life has been long
and pleasures a many
we just hope you know
you were loved plenty

Those big loving eyes
and paws full of kneedin
your dashing stripes
and looks of longing

These are just a few things we will miss the most...

We wish you birds for squawkin
and windows with warm streams of sunshine
gardens with delicious grass for chompin
and endless afternoons in a new blissful kitty heaven

Our hearts are heavy, yet we can't help but smile
your warmth and cuddles will be with us for a long while

Ciao, ciao Slim. We wish you a peaceful voyage and a wonderful reunion with Le Pew. You were a really good friend and we will miss you dearly.

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