Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lemon Verbena Ice Cream


When I was a little  kid, I was always eager to see Cousin Ed at family gatherings because I was ever hopeful he would show up with his ice cream maker. It was the real old-fashioned kind - a wooden barrel that required rock salt and hand cranking. All of us younger kids would line up to take turns with the handle until the end when it got too hard to turn- a sure sign of doneness. There was always something magical about watching the cream thicken and seeing simple ingredients transformed into deliciousness. I remember we made peach ice cream once. It was fantastical to me the way fresh fruit was swirled in at the very end. It will forever remind me of summer.
Fast forward many years and one of the things I love best about having a small garden is planting herbs. For me, lemon verbena and marjoram are stars of the show. When I was out in the garden recently and saw the verbena had shoots of tender new leaves, I had to make this recipe. I'm thinking I might need to drizzle a little of my strawberry jam on top. Pure perfection.

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