Monday, April 16, 2012

Farmer's market chives


I love the Berkeley Farmer's Market! It's always such a treat. Yesterday - there was fabulousness everywhere we turned. The first of the stone fruits are already arriving and we tasted and brought home the sweetest Earlitreat peaches along with Albion strawberries, fava beans, and a beautiful bunch of chives. They were so pretty I couldn't resist.

I snipped off the blossoms and threw them into a salad with roasted beets, spicy watercress, arugula, ruby grapefruit and shaved fennel and tossed it with a little of the grapefruit juice, some lemon-infused olive oil, a dash of salt and lots of freshly ground pepper. The flowers have a peppery flavor and a hint of chive-ness that builds as you eat them. Deeeeeeeeeelicious! 

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