Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ode to Slim

I haven't properly introduced you to Slim yet - and it's about time. So here you go. He does have a proper name but we never use it. He'll be 19 in May - so he's old - and he's not always happy about it. We've had him since he was a wee kitten and lately, he's resembling more and more the cranky old man that he is.

Today was a little tougher day for the old geezer than others - his old bones are creaky and he's not thrilled about that either.

So - I thought it would be a good time to write about all the things we love about him:
1. He's really more of a dog than a cat
2. He squawks at us like we know what he's talking about
3. His love of vanilla ice cream
4. According to Emanuela - lui capisce italiano
5. His famous look of longing
6. His love of a cozy fire and how he sets up shop in front of it as the logs are being laid
7. The way he brushes his cold nose against you
8.  His ability to snooze under a bird feeder - not even trying to snack on anyone
9. The way he will grip your arm and insist on more love
10. His ability to insinuate himself in between us at night - earning the nickname "the Wedge"
Mostly - he's been a good friend to us all these years and he's always there when you need him - good day, bad day - whenever.  We think that's something special.

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